Thursday, July 12, 2012

8/7 Cold, frosty morning so decided to change plans & instead of leaving home at 6am for a ride stayed in bed until 7:10am & headed out for a nice 9km 45min run down to the river. It's so nice of a spot for a run & nobody is around on a Sunday morning.
Deck squats 40
LCC&J 2 x 16kg 40

9/7 Very wet commute 62min. Started out nice for the first 3min, then set in.

10/7 Extended commute 1:34hrs. Carolyn want me to pick something up in out old haunt of Rosanna, so a short trip to the station our end, followed by North Melbourne - Rosanna - Melbourne. Would have been a lot nicer if it hadn't started raining on the trip back into the city.

45min KB class.
We have some more 20kg Progrades at work. so have decided to start using these more often while taking these classes.
Around Body Pass 3 x 20ew
OA Swings 3 x 20es
OALCC&J changing hand every 5reps 6min
Supersets One Arm/Leg Deadlift 10es, Snatch 5es 6min
Superset Clean 10es, Jerk 5es 6min

12/7 Home for next next few days looking after the Kid's with Flynn getting Tonsil's, Adenoids & Grommet done.
Managed a short session of Jerks 5 x 10 with 2 x 16kg

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