Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6/6 Just 45min of hill intervals on the trainer Ave HR 83%

7/6 Had to work today, was going to get up early to do some extra K's, but with the rain I just couldn't be bothered so only 65min commute.
Deck Sqauts 2 x 20
Sandbag Snatch 3 x 20
Sandbag Dragon Lunges 3 x 10es
Sandbag Squat Press 3 x 20
Sandbag 1 Leg Deadlift 3 x 20

8/6 As I'm away on holiday in a few week's visiting the fokes I decided I'll try to get out for a couple of runs, so 25min's of hills today chasing the dogs. Haven't done this for over 1 year & the legs new about it straight away. Lungs & heart found it easy.

9/6 Commute 65min & 45min KB class with lots of Lunges. Just the thing that sore legs needed.

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