Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spending to much time with house stuff. Hopefully it is almost over for now.
16/5 Nice commute on the SS 74min
45min KB class, played with the 20kg
10min LCCJ 123reps
8min Snatches 100reps
8min Cleans 160reps
Jerks 3 x 10es

17/5 On the commuter today for a bit of a change in pace. 64min
45min KB class with rests in Squat or lunge for 30sec + 16kg
3 x 20 around body pass
3 x 20 OA swings
3 x 20 Snatch
3 x 20 cleans
3 x 15 Jerks
3 x 15 LCCJ
3 x 20 OA Swings

18/5 On the commuter again today 65min
45min KB class 16kg
Around body pass 50ew
OA Swings 50es
Snatch 50es
Cleans 50es
1 Arm/leg deadlift 50es
OA Swings 50es

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