Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Shin, the morning after
4/7 Took it easy on the commute today seeing how the leg would hold up, was going to ride the racer to go easier but decided to stick to the single speed in the end. Feels tight around the stitches but no pain, which is good. 65min

Took a KB workshop at work this morning, so ended up with 1:30hrs of lifting with the 16kg


Did a circuit tonight working in pairs. 2min per station, 22 stations performed. As one person works the other rests. Whoever is working on a station when the buzzer goes starts on the next station straight away (fun).

KB Jerks 24kg 5es

Step-ups 40kg 5 es

Ring push-ups 10

Chin-ups 5

Wall Ball 6kg 10

KB Snatch 24kg 5es

Bulgarian Bag swing & Squat 16kg 10

Aquabag Clean & Press 19kg 10

MB Slams 20kg 10

1 comment:

neil said...

oh man, that's pretty!