16/11 1:30hr commute on the MTB
45min KB class, went easy with 16kg
17/11 1:25hr commute on MTB easy
18/11 Big day today 1:45hrs on the single speed, getting to work then 5hr KB workshop with the Guru Steve Cotter
. Steve put us through our paces & after the stories I've heard about the sessions he's taken in the past I decided to start out easy. After a 35min warm-up, it was time to pick up a KB. He said go easy so I grabbed a 16kg only to find the only 16kg left had a rough handle & an E on it. I wonder who's that could be (Emily). This was perfect with the handle prepped already. Steve started out with swings, & has changed his style to keep the KB in closer at the top, which saves the hands & moves the KB like in the snatch arch. Then we moved onto 1A swings. Next came cleans & I was felling good with more rest than I'm use to so I stepped up to the 24kg. Nice new shiney handle that was horrible to use. Then to presses (20kg), push presses, jerks, & Snatches (24kg). Then Double KB Squats & OH Squats (16kg). The OH squats were by far my worst movement, therefore I need to do more of them. That wrapped up the 5hrs. I was happy with how the session went & out of 21 participants was the only one to use the 24kg, the rest of the guys were struggling with the 12's & 16's, & 2 of the guy who tried 20kg, put them back after 1 set. To keep you happy Neil Bw 61.9kg. The interesting thing was the ride home, legs felt crap, I just don't know why.
1 comment:
With a face like that, you would hope you are strong ;D Bring on December!!!
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