Wednesday, December 7, 2011

28/11 Easy commute 41min
5 Deck Squats

29/11 - 3/12 Sick with a narsty Virus. Couldn't do anything, a walk around the block required a 3hr nap to recover. Been 15yrs since I've felt this bad

4/12 Did a small work-out & deck Squat catch up
Deck Squats 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Squats 44kg 6min 60reps. Bar stayed on back whole time
20min spin on the bike coughing up all of both Lungs

5/12 42min Commuted only coughing up 1.5 lungs today
Deck Squats 12

6/12 42min commute & only 1 lung coughed up, so I'm getting better
Deck Squats 13
45min KTB Class with all rest taken in push-up position
Around body pass 2 x 20
OA Swings 30es
Snatch 8 x 8es
Cleans 4 x 15es
OA Jerks 6 x 8es

7/12 Short work-out
Deck Squats 2 x 20 & my 14 for the day
Cleans 6 x 10 40kg.
Legs still haven't recovered from the squats on Sunday, so they hurt today. Body about 85% of normal function

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