Sunday, March 6, 2011

3/3/11 Easy commute, just saving some energy for the fun to come. 70min
Deck Squats 2 x 20
3 Stage Squat/1 leg step-up OSBB/2 x 24kg KB's 2 x 5/5es, 6/5es, 7/5es.
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 x 24kg 3 x 10es
Weighted Squat to Bridge on Swissball + TheraTube, OSBB 3 x 10
Floor press/Floor wipers OSBB 2 x 5

The extra reps on the 2 Stage squat really made the step-ups harder
Added TheraTubing around knees for the Weighted Squat to Bridge, to cause great Glute activation.

5/3/11 Finally got the Single speed MTB up and going, so I went out for a quick spin to check it out. 30min. Gavin & I have entered as a Single speed pair for "The Duael" on 3rd April so I need to spend some time on this bike.

6/3 Deck Squats 2 x 20
3 Stage Squat/Single leg step-up OSBB/2 x 24kg 5/5es, 7/7es & 10/10es
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 x 24kg 10es, 15es & 20es
Weighted Squat to Bridge + TheraTube OSBB 10, 15, 20
Floor Press/Floor wipers OSBB 10reps
The extra reps made it so much more fun.

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