Wednesday, October 7, 2009

6/10 66min commute

50min KB class
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6reps es
It was a 10-1 cricuit but we went back up until the last person reached 1
1A Swings
1A Snatch
1A Clean
1A Jerk

16kg 760reps for 12160kg moved

7/10 1:28hr commute. Just have to love getting a flat a 5:25am.

50min KB Class. bit of a 2KB workout today
2KB cleans 20
2 sets of circuit with 2 x 16kg
Swings 10
Snatch 10
Rack Lunge 10es (2KB's in rack make this so much more fun)
Jerk 10
HR goes about 20 beats higher working with the 2KB's

2 x 24kg 3 sets
Renegade row/Push-up 10es
KB Dips 10
L-Sit 20sec

2 x 24kg
Cleans 1 x 20, 2 x 10.

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