Sunday, August 9, 2009

9/08 3hrs on the bike today, mostly around the Yarra Trails, so no hills

PM Had to cut the pure leg work out of the session tonight, as Tim's got knee surgery this Tuesday, so we went heavy KB's instead
1A Swings 3 x 10es 32kg
Snatch 2 x 5es 32kg, 1 x 5es 28kg
OALCCJ 3 x 5es 28kg
1A Jerks 3 x 5es 28kg
1A Cleans 3 x 5es 40kg
1 Arm/Leg Deadlift 3 x 10es 40kg
Renegade Row/Push-up 3 x 5es 32kg

Haven't used the 32's & 28's for a while. Had to drop back to the 28kg for the overhead work, as the Left shoulder stability still isn't great.

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